Kurgan Compass™

Game Review:
‘Resident Evil: Village’

Does the eighth main-series installment of Capcom’s stubborn cornerstone survival series live up to next-gen player expectations?

May 25, 2021 — Let this sink in: the Resident Evil series has now been around for a full quarter-century, launched on the PlayStation 1 in 1996 more or less exactly 25 years ago.


Game Review:
‘Curse of the Dead Gods’

‘Curse of the Dead Gods’ is a compelling rogue-lite offering stylish, comics-like graphics while introducing several interesting play mechanics that allows the game to break away from genre tradition.

February 25, 2021 — As with most rogue-lite games, players fight their way through randomly generated levels while collecting weapons and upgrades. Death is more than common in Curse of the Dead Gods and players must often restart from scratch. Hardly news for those familiar with the genre. FULL STORY »

Game Review:
‘Werewolf the Apocalypse — Earthblood’

Despite its shapeshifting mechanic and engaging combat showing promise, the game struggles to live up to its potential, and falls short of what could have been.

February 11, 2021 — The latest in the World of Darkness series, Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Earthblood tells the story of werewolf Cahal, and the struggle of his tribe against evil militarized oil corporation, Endron. FULL STORY »

Video Game Review:
’Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla’

History buffs may be disappointed by UbiSoft Montreal’s recent outing — which is full of great gameplay — and horrid historical inaccuracies.

December 16, 2020 — The holidays are upon us! Grab some eggnog, don a fuzzy sweater, and get ready to play some video games. Along with colder temperatures and stressful shopping, each holiday season brings a bevy of brand-new games from the biggest developers in the business. FULL STORY »

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